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Partnership With Parents

Parents/carers are the first educators of their young children and the Preschool aims to support them in this as much possible. We want all parents/carers to feel comfortable coming into preschool with their child and wish to encourage and support parent’s involvement in their child’s preschool experience.

We operate an open door policy, where parents/carers are welcome to come in  and discuss their child's progress at any time.  When families first come to the Preschool you will be introduced to your child's Key person, who will be  responsible for your child during their stay with us.  We also operate a "Remind" system, so we can send messages about up coming events, any changes etc.  Please sign up for this service when you join our Preschool

We use an online system called Tapestry to record observations and assessments and you will be given an update sheet once a term.  In the Autumn & Spring Terms we invite you to meet with your child's Key Person to discuss their progress.  At the end of the Summer term you will receive a written report about your child's time at Preschool  If your child is moving on to School a copy of this will be sent to your child's new school.

Memory books are compiled during the year with photographs and special pieces of work.  This book will be given to you to keep when your child leaves us as a special record of their first steps in their school life.

Library Scheme

We have a home/school library scheme where parents/carers are encouraged to share books with their children.  We also send home a home/school liaison book for parents & their child’s key person to keep in contact with each other.

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Parenting Classes

During the year we encourage parents/carers to be involved in their child's learning as much as possible.  We also recognise that some parents require some support as well.  We offer either one off or a short series of parenting classes usually in the Spring Term , covering topics such as :- EYFS curriculum,    Pre-writing skills, Letters and Sounds - phonic work, behaviour and Safeguarding  We also will discuss topics such as IT safety, Healthy Eating, First Aid, School readiness etc.  We also encourage  parents/carers to request any topics that are of concern or interest to them about parenting their child


Parental Involvement

We welcome all parents/carers to come into Preschool to share their skills e.g cooking, dancing, story telling.  We love to learn from our parents and celebrate different cultural heritages.


Supporting Your Child At Preschool

We want to ensure your child achieves  their best at Preschool.  There are many ways you can support this.  Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately with easy to manage clothes and sensible footwear.

If your child is still in nappies, we will work together to help your child be toilet trained.

If your child stays for lunch.  Please ensure you pack a healthy lunch, that your child can manage, with suitable portions sizes. Please note we operate a "Nut Free" zone, so please do not pack nuts of any sort or peanut butter  sandwiches etc

If, at any time, you have any concerns about your child's development or any other worries. Please talk to us at the earliest opportunity,  so we can work together to help your child.


Fund Raising

We are a registered charity and are therefore non profit making.  During the year, we ask that our families support us, as we seek to raise funds for new equipment, resources etc, that will enhance our provision for your child.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider Gift Aiding any donations to our Preschool.  This means that the Preschool can claim an extra 25% from the Government at NO additional costs to you.  Please ask for details

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